Thursday, November 4, 2010

Too Picky???

This is probably lame, but I just want to see what you all think about a few things. First, can we standardize the date when you have to commit to participating for each month. For example can we say that by three days after the exchange you have to commit to participating or not for the next month. I propose this only so we can take advantages of the sales all month and know how many to shop for. Second, if someone is going to participate in the exchange can we say that they have to add their name to the list themselves? This might sound particular, but this might eliminate people from dropping out once their names have been added to the list. It might not seem like a big deal if someone drops out after saying they are going to participate one month, but if meals are prepared early in the month and then someone drops out then we are stuck with extra meals. One meal might not be a big deal, but if several people drop out then there could be a big problem. I think that is why we have the list and have everyone commit each month. I also propose that the list be cleared on the day of the exchange, so everyone has to add their name rather than take it off if they don't want to participate.


Ku'uipo said...

Sounds good to me!

Brandie said...

I agree however in my defense the friends I invited to be part of the group do not know how to blog so I was trying to help them out. I apologize. It won't happen again.

Nanci and Steve said...

I think this is a good idea. Maybe lets do the Friday after the exchange to commit for next month so we have a set day that's easy to remember. I also like the idea of clearing the list so we have to consciously commit. Thanks Carrie.

natalie said...

I like the Friday after exchange suggestion. And adding your own name.

Savanna Sorensen said...

I agree with you on needing to add your own name to the list if you want to participate. I also think it would be a great idea to delete the official member list after each exchange. I will do that this Monday. However, I don't agree with making the set time so early. I think people need a chance to see if they will need meals for the month as well as checking out finances. I think maybe we could set the time for two weeks before. That gives everyone plenty of time to cook and shop the sales.

Anonymous said...

I think just two weeks before the exchange isn't enough time to shop sales. It seems like meat is always on sale during the month, it just might not be the two weeks before the exchange. What if we have people commit one week after the exchang. That will give everyone the weekend to figure things out if they need to.

Lisa E said...

I think one week after the exchange should be enough time for people to decide if they want to do it the next month. I don't think we should clear the list every month, just because we would have all seen each other one week (or so) before, so we would have been recently involved, rather than months going by and not knowing if someone just hasn't logged in for a while or wants their name left on the list. Plus, it seems like people are more likely to continue than stop doing the exchange. Just one more thing to worry about...