Thursday, October 14, 2010

Next Month

Is the list to the left everyone who is going to participate next month?


Lisa E said...

I haven't heard from Erika's friends or Stacey whether or not they want to do it. That could be 4 more. How soon do people need to commit one way or the other?

Anonymous said...

It would be nice for them to decide as soon as possible so we can plan next month. Maybe they could decide by Monday.

Savanna Sorensen said...

I think Monday would be fine time for a deadline.
Everyone needs to add or subtract their name from the "Official Member of MMMM" widget before Monday so that we can get an official count.
Does anyone have everyone's email addresses and would you be willing to send out a reminder email?
Also if anyone has phone numbers and would like to text or call a reminder that would be much appreciated.

Lisa E said...

Just sent an email to everyone that participated last month, I hope that's what you meant Savannah. Going forward we can use that email list and update as needed (I got some of the emails from the permissions page where everyone has an email listed).

Brandie said...

I just invited one more person she wants to do it for sure. I sent her the blog stuff today. So by my count with my friend Candace that is 11.

Brandie said...

I also just invited Merrilee Jones to be part of the group that makes 12 hope that is ok with everyone. I spoke with both ladies tonight and they are IN for November.

Anonymous said...

Hey Brandy, will you add the names of the people who are in for November to the list? Thanks!