Monday, October 11, 2010

Second Successful Attempt

Thanks to everyone for participating. I think we have a great variety of foods and I'm really excited to try them all.

With the busy holidays coming up, I figured I would post our next meal date now so that everyone has time to plan and prepare their meals. If you want to participate this month we will be having our next meal exchange on November 8th at 9:30am at my house.

I've looked ahead and it looks like we will probably meet December 6th and January 10if we decide to meet every 4 weeks. This will depend on how many people we have participating. So tentatively plan on those dates for the next several exchanges. I will let you know for sure the closer we get to those dates. If anyone has any imput please let me know.


Anonymous said...

When you have looked at your poll on the right side can you delete it and add your new one? Also, I don't know what the rest of you think, but I would like to know if there are any suggestions for my meals. Whether you like my meal or not feel free to post a comment with my recipe and let me if there are any changes I could make to improve it. Thanks! PS- my recipe will be posted soon!

Savanna Sorensen said...

To answer your question, yes, please delete your poll after you have looked at it and add a new one.
Also I agree with you Carrie. I would like to know suggestions on how to make my meal better. Please feel free to comment on my recipe ways that I can improve it.