Friday, August 27, 2010

Getting Caught Up!

This post is for Andrea. Hopefully we can get you up to speed. I would recommend reading all of the posts and comments so you have an idea of what is going on. I would especially concentrate on reading the first post about the guidelines and also the recap post from our first meeting. The only thing that has changed on the guidelines is there are 13 meals to prepare instead of 10. Other than that, everything is the same.
Other things, post your family food allergies and food your family hates on the widgets on the left hand side of the blog. On the right side of the blog there is a widget titled "MMMMs favorite links". There are three links to different sites that are recipe websites that allow you find out the nutritional value of your recipe. You need to calculate the nutritional value of your recipe and then post it on the post labeled "What we are cooking for our first attempt." That way poeple who are watching what they are eating can know calories, fat, etc.
Other than that we are meeting on Monday, September 13 at 9:30am at my house (Savanna's) to exchange our meals. Make sure they are frozen and that you bring something to hold 13 meals in.
If you have any questions or concerns then just post it.


Anonymous said...

I just want to make sure I bring the right number of meals... we only need to bring 12, right?

Savanna Sorensen said...

Yes, technically it's only 12 meals that you are bringing because you would keep the 13th for yourself at home (unless you don't want the meal you cooked :))