Friday, September 17, 2010

New Members

How many people are in the exchange for this month (October)? I would like to start looking for sales and want to know how many I'm shopping for.

Also, I would like to know what we are going to do about the recipe "thing". Do we want to pick one website to enter all our recpies in or just continue to do it wherever?


Bobbi said...

I thought we were giving the new invites till Monday to decide if they want to participate. I think we are up to 17 confirmed.
Also as far as the recipe website- I think it would be nice to keep it all in one website. I don't care which one.

natalie said...

I'm in for October and don't even ask me about the recipe fiasco!

Tawni and Paul said...

I'd like to know how many people as well. If it's up to 20 then I'm out if we don't split. Sorry, just not cost efficient for Paul and I, and I don't have that much freezer space.

Nanci and Steve said...

I think with so many people it may be time to split. I won't have enough freezer room for all those. I liked Tiffany's idea that maybe we split according to family size. Those of us with larger families with other large ones. I will be in for Oct, but if it stays this big, I may have to drop out.

bskinn said...

I think the new number with all the new members is 18. I know that my family will be unable to eat 18 meals in 4 or 6 weeks! My family has only eaten one meal this last week. I genuinely like to cook, but love having the access to meals that are ready to go for those busy days. I think a split is a good idea. I know originally when we were talking about starting a group we said that we could do 2 groups, and had invited over 20+ people thinking that we would end up perhaps having 2 groups. I think it makes more sense to have two smaller groups and exchange more often. Should we maybe add a widget on the side to vote on this?

Also, the recipe issue shouldn't be that big of a deal. Recipes should be put in Sparks or I say either, because some people had issues inputting the recipes in Sparks and found to be easier. I feel that is a user preference issue. I think the real problem is following through on posting where the recipe is found and the nutritional information. We discussed at the meeting about commenting on our first meal attempts and posting where the recipe was found and the basic nutritional information there in those comment areas. That is where I think things got messed up. Maybe we should vote on this issue as well.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea to vote. I would rather have a larger group and meet less often because I would rather take the time to make all the meals once every 6 or even 8 weeks rather than having a smaller group and meeting more often. I will set up a poll, but anyone can change it if they want more options to vote on or want to change it in any way.

Brandie said...

I have not heard back from those who wanted to join so I have no new members for the group. I prefer closer to 20 meals because that will feed my family for the month and thus saving us money but I understand that doesn't work for everyone.