Monday, September 13, 2010


Please add a poll about your freezer meal on the right hand side of the blog. Put the poll ending time at 10/11/2010 at 09:30.

For those of you that need help doing this, just click on the Design button on the upper right hand corner of the blog. This will take you to the outline of the blog. On the right hand side there is a Gadget button to click on. Once you click the Add a Gadget button it will pull up a list of gadgets you can add. Scroll down and find the Poll gadget button. Click on it and it will bring up another window that you fill out for your poll. Create your poll by typing in a title and then answers for people to choose from. Also make sure you change when the poll will end to 10/11/2010 at 09:30am so that people will have time to vote. Click on save and it should take you back to the blog outline window. Just click the view blog tab and it will take you back to the main window.

If these directions are too confusing, let me know and I will make your poll for you.

Please don't worry too much about the polls. Don't take it personally if people don't like the recipe. It might just be that the recipe isn't great for the freezer or just people's personal tastes are different. Feel free to make the same recipe again (if the majority likes it)next month. You don't necessarily have to come up with a new recipe everytime...unless you want to of course!

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