Friday, November 5, 2010

Our Next Meal Exchange

This is just a friendly reminder that we will be having our next meal exchange on Monday, November 8, at 9:30am at Savanna Sorensen's house. For all you new comers my address is 7416 Sunset Maple Drive, West Jordan.

A couple of reminders:

Please be on time.

Bring your meals already frozen.

Put them in a box, laundry basket, cooler etc, to get here but remember that you will probably need another box to gather all of your food in while your other box is being used.

If you have multiple items and they can't be attached to the main dish, then please place them in a grocery sack and tie them together. This will make it easier for people to just grab and place in their box.

Please use extra heavy tin foil to cover your tin pans and use "freezer" bags that actually say "for the freezer" on them.

Write or place a label that gives the heating instructions, your name, and the date on the bag or tin pan.

Please remember to create a seperate blog entry that lists your recipe and the nutritional facts.

I think that should do it. I can't wait to have our third exchange. I'll see you all on Monday.

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