Monday, November 8, 2010


Would anyone be opposed to doing the exchanges on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 instead of Mondays? This would make the next exchange on Tuesday, December 7. If it doesn't work for everyone then Erika and I will work things out to still participate on Mondays, but if it's okay with everyone it would help us out and we would greatly appreciate it.

Also...I didn't get a Chicken Pot Pie this morning, so if someone ended up with two please let me know.



Savanna Sorensen said...

Yeah I'm game. As far as I remember the only reason why we decided on Monday's was because Lisa Howard only had Monday's off from work.

Brandie said...

Works for me.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't the next exchange be the 14th? We are doing the second Monday right now, so would we stick with the second Tuesday?

I would rather do the exchange on Monday's, but I'm good with whatever most people want.

Nanci and Steve said...

Tuesdays would be fine with me too.

Bobbi said...

Tuesdays are just fine.

natalie said...

Tuesday would work for me. I guess it would be the 14th, but I'm out for December anyways. Be back in January, FYI.

Ku'uipo said...

Have a pie for ya! Left it at Erika's! :)

Lisa E said...

Back on Oct 11 Savanna posted our next two exchanges would be Dec 6 and Jan 10 to keep meeting every 4 weeks, so that's why I assumed if we switched to Tuesdays we would do it Dec 7.

Ku'uipo said...

either day works for me. I don't mind bringing Erikas.